Sure Media will end to end manage the whole process of your publication production including the supply of print, delivery to single or multiple addresses, and/or pdf and eBook link production & supply at “no cost” to your organisation.
This may seem to be “Too good to be true” but we achieve this by working with local organisations who may wish to target their message to your publication’s readership by way of paid advertising. In a nutshell, the service is free to the publications Host i.e. Your organisation. Fully funded by local, ethical advertising
From our initial discussions with you about your editorial and visual content and what the intended role of your publication is to be. For example, that role may be as a sales tool, or as an information/reference guide. Whatever the desired function may be. Your organisation can either supply its own content (which is the norm) However, we can extract content from your website and/or existing documentation to compile and submit an initial draft, then through the amendment process to a final draft ready for publication and sign-off.
We can remove the need for you to incur additional design costs for an external design service as your publication(s) design is an integral part of our service. You will be in total control of your publication from start through to delivery with regular updates throughout the whole process.
Again, a fully, end to end, managed service to get your publication(s) in the hands, and on the screens of your prospective audience through targeted distribution locally
Sure Media
Blackpool Enterprise Centre
291-305 Lytham Road
Phone: 0333 210 5580